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Human Rights Crisis in Honduras: Take Action by March 14!

Human Rights Crisis in Honduras: Take Action by March 14!

On Friday, March 11, 2016, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) and Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) began circulating a sign-on "Dear Colleague" letter in the U.S. House of Representatives to Secretary of State Kerry and Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew, urging them to support an independent international investigation into the murder of Berta Cáceres. The letter also urges them to support protection for other Hondurans receiving threats, review the Unites States’ support for loans to megaprojects--like the Agua Zarca dam, which Berta was protesting at the time of her death--and other extractive projects in Honduras, and immediately stop all assistance to Honduran security forces. Following Senator Leahy, the letter requests that the Honduran government immediately and permanently stop the Agua Zarca dam.

*Please use this directory to find your representative (if needed) by Zip Code, or by name, and use the Member Search function to find your representative by their last name (directory In the entry for your representative in this directory, you'll find their contact information to call them, in the "Contact" tab, as well as the name of their Foreign Policy LA (Legislative Aide), under the "Staff" tab (or you can just ask to speak to the representative's Foreign Policy Legislative Aide). Please call them NOW, using the call script below:

Script: “My name is _____. I am a constituent from (your town/city) in (your state). I am calling to ask Representative _____ to sign the letter from Rep. Keith Ellison and Rep. Hank Johnson calling for the independent investigation into the murder of Honduran indigenous leader and land rights activist Berta Cáceres, protections for Honduran activists, and halting U.S. aid that's been damaging in Honduras. Has Representative _______ seen this letter? Can I count on him/her to sign on? Please call me this week at (_your phone number_) to let me know if you have seen the letter, and if Representative _____ will sign it.”

The deadline for signatures is close of business Monday, March 14th: use the directory to find your representative's contact information and call NOW!
