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PBI-Honduras sends condolences on the murder of CNTC campesino leader and land defender Olman Garcia

PBI-Honduras has posted:

“From PBI Honduras, we send our deepest condolences to the @CntcTegucigalpa [National Union of Rural Workers] and to the family of campesino leader and land defender Olman García, who was murdered on August 4 in Ceibita Way (Esparta, Atlántida).”


PBI-Honduras accompanies COPINH at protest, 12 Lenca communities win titles for ancestral territories

On July 17, PBI-Honduras posted:

Yesterday and today, we accompanied Copinh Honduras [the Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras] at a demonstration inside the facilities of the National Agrarian Institute (INA).

COPINH demands advancement for the community title processes of several indigenous territories, specifically in the communities of Montaña Verde, El Achiotal, Rio Blanco, El Naranjo and La Jarcia.


PBI-Honduras attends National Union of Rural Workers (CNTC) assembly amid threats against the organization

PBI-Honduras has posted:

Yesterday [June 24], we attended the Assembly of the @CNTC  [National Union of Rural Workers] El Progreso. The organization has been defending the rights of the campesinos for more than 30 years, claiming their access to land and supporting the development of agricultural production and small livestock projects.


PBI-Geneva notes violence related to business investments, calls for a Binding Treaty at UN Human Rights Council

During the Interactive Dialogue on Transnational Corporations at the United Nations Human Rights Council session on June 6 in Geneva, Switzerland, Peace Brigades International expressed “its concerns about violence in business investment contexts in Honduras, Guatemala and Colombia.”

Civil society orgs worldwide release new supplement to UN Declaration protecting human rights defenders

Following a year-long project involving consultations with human rights defenders, Peace Brigades International joined a coalition of human rights organizations to release the Declaration +25, a landmark document systematizing relevant developments in regional and international human rights law and standards of the last 25 years.

PBI-Honduras visits with National Union of Rural Workers (CNTC) that sees little change in unequal land ownership

The Peace Brigades International-Honduras Project has posted: “[On June 3] we met with Melany Chavarria, general secretary of the CNTC [National Union of Rural Workers] in La Paz. From the CNTC they shared their concerns with us about the little progress regarding land titling and obtaining legal status for peasant bases.”


PBI-Honduras visits Museum Against Forgetting/Oblivion in Amarateca used as torture center in the 1980s

PBI-Honduras has posted: “Yesterday [June 5] we visited the Museum Against Forgetting in Amarateca, located in a property used as a torture center during the National Security Doctrine in the 1980s, redefining it as a space for memory and reflection. From PBI, we highlight the work of the Committee of Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared in Honduras [COFADEH] to reclaim the memory of the victims of human rights violations, especially the crimes of torture and forced disappearance.”


At least 300 human rights defenders killed in 2023: Front Line Defenders report

Image from video for the report.

Front Line Defenders reports: “In 2023, the HRD Memorial documented the killings of 300 HRDs in 28 countries” including 142 in Colombia, 30 in Mexico, 19 in Honduras and 6 in Guatemala where Peace Brigades International accompanies defenders.

Among their findings:

PBI: Connecting Threatened Defenders With High-Level Officials

Christopher Castillo, General Coordinator of ARCAH, is leading the movement in Honduras against so-called Zones for Employment and Economic Development (ZEDEs). These zones, which operate as independent territories, not subject to Honduran law, threaten to envelop vast swathes of Honduras; up to 35 percent of the country could be made into such zones.
