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PBI-Honduras attends National Union of Rural Workers (CNTC) assembly amid threats against the organization

PBI-Honduras has posted:

Yesterday [June 24], we attended the Assembly of the @CNTC  [National Union of Rural Workers] El Progreso. The organization has been defending the rights of the campesinos for more than 30 years, claiming their access to land and supporting the development of agricultural production and small livestock projects.

Farm workers are essential to ensure national food, care for the land and resilience in the face of climate change.

From PBI, we are concerned about the situation of threats, surveillance, attacks and criminalization against the people of the organization and its bases.

Just a few days earlier, PBI-Honduras also posted:

Yesterday [June 17], we visited the campesino base of the CNTC El Progreso, on its second anniversary.

We at PBI are concerned about the criminalization of the campesino population, whose work is fundamental to guarantee food security.

We also applaud the work of the CNTC El Progreso and its defense of campesino rights.


The CNTC, created in 1985, is a small-scale farming and trade union organization that fights for the distribution of land.

In Honduras fewer than 5% of landowners control 60% of the fertile terrain.

The CNTC is affiliated with the Unified Confederation of Honduran Workers (CUTH) which in turn is affiliated with the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), along with 150+ labor organizations.

PBI-Honduras has been accompanying the CNTC since May 2018.

Article originally published by Brent Patterson on 
