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Never doubt the power of solidarity

Never doubt the power of solidarity

It is an understatement to say that 2016 has been challenging for human rights defenders. And it would be naive not to anticipate an even more challenging 2017 ahead. Peace Brigades International chapters and projects worldwide are always working to prepare for the unknown, but now it is more important than ever that we do so.

We need your help to continue developing skilled, heavily sought-after accompaniers and increase our capacity to stand in solidarity with even more defenders and communities who may come under threat in the weeks and months to come.

Please consider giving a gift, if you have not done so already, towards our yearend fundraising campaign. Every gift makes a difference - whether you are able to give a large gift of $500 or a small gift of $5, every gift gets us closer to our goal. 

Thank you for your thoughtfulness and commitment to Peace Brigades International and the work we do.

In solidarity,

The PBI-USA Team

Pictured above: (L-R) Emily Nelson, PBI-USA NCC; Matt Messier, PBI-USA NCC; Amelia Parker, PBI-USA ED; Faith Garlington, PBI-USA NCC; Elly Kaas, PBI IC; Janet Powers, PBI-USA NCC; Sierra Schraff-Thomas, PBI-Mexico Coordinator; Liza Smith, former PBI field volunteer in Colombia.
