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Alert: Attacks against HRDs in Honduras increase following elections

January 22, 2018

PBI Honduras has released an alert regarding the alarming escalation of violence against Human Rights Defenders since the presidential elections held on November 26, 2017. The elections resulted in President Juan Orlando Hernández returning to power through a process marred by irregularities, sparking country-wide protests calling for electoral transparency. In response, on the 1st of December, the Honduran Government declared a state of exception and issued a decree suspending constitutional guarantees. One month later, social organizations have registered 30 killings (21 of these attributed to the military police), 232 people injured and 1085 arrests.

From November 19, 2017 to January 21, 2018, PBI Honduras has registered 35 incidents suffered by human rights defenders, communicators and journalists. The majority of these attacks are related to the excessive use of force by state security forces during protests.

The violence takes place in the context of increasing militarization, repressive legislation and controversial constitutional changes since the coup in 2009. The United Nations, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Honduran National Commission on Human Rights (CONADEH) have called on the government of Honduras to guarantee the right to peaceful protest, as well as all fundamental human rights.

To read the full report by PBI Honduras, click below:

ALERT: International concern regarding the serious increase of attacks against human rights defenders in Honduras' post-electoral context
