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The book ‘Exodus and Taboo’ presented by LGTB organization Arcoiris in Honduras

The book ‘Exodus and Taboo’ presented by LGTB organization Arcoiris in Honduras

Article by PBI-Netherlands

On January 13th, Asociación LGTB Arcoiris de Honduras presented the book ‘Exodus and Taboo’. The book discusses the experiences of #LGTBIQ+ people in Honduras and the risks involved in migration. Particular attention is drawn to the fact that LGTBIQ+ people face greater risks when they join the migrant caravans, from Central America to the United States.

Every day, more than 5 people of sexual diversity migrate from Honduras to the United States and Europe due to their risk situation.

The Asociación LGTB Arcoiris de Honduras has been accompanied by PBI-Honduras since 2015.

A Peace Brigades International-UK film by Many Valcarce featuring interviews of members of the Asociación LGTB Arcoiris has been selected for a virtual film screening at the Oregon State International Film Festival. We will keep you informed when the date of the screening has been selected.
