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A Defining Moment in the History of the USA

This week marked an important moment in the history of the United States, the significance of this event can be felt across the world. Right now, it is more important than ever to have a strong civic society of resilience that protects communities that have suffered the devastation caused by the pandemic, racism, police violence, and criminalization for defending the land and environment. Regardless of the results, the United States needs to change its foreign policies to reassure a commitment to justice, environmental protection, and promote the protection of human rights.

PBI distinguishes itself from other human rights organizations because it is active both in the field and at an international level, where it is a solid discussion partner for various international and national, governmental and non-governmental organizations. PBI’s work is effective because it takes an integrated approach: providing physical presence to accompany human rights defenders in the field and a broad network of international support. We currently provide protection in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua (from Costa Rica), Colombia, Kenya, Nepal and Indonesia, and we are always looking to expand our work.

In order to navigate across the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, PBI has stepped up by increasing the remote accompaniment of defenders through daily telephone and email check-ins when quarantine measures have curtailed the ability to provide in-person protective accompaniments.

Most recently, we organized a webinar on police violence featuring human rights defenders and social leaders from Canada, Colombia, Guatemala, Kenya and Nicaragua. The webinar and live stream reached over 2,300 people around the world. In case you missed the webinar, you can watch the recording here without the interpretations.

PBI-USA is committed  to continuing our work protecting human rights. We will continue to carry out physical accompaniment with safety protocols to ensure the security of our volunteers, continue to amplify stories of defenders that PBI accompanies, and continue to advocate for change in the US foreign policies and abroad to prioritize human rights and make space for peace.

How can you help?

If you are able to make a gift to PBI-USA, you can make a one-time or recurring donation to support our work. You can make a secure donation by clicking here or sending a check at the address below.

Are you unable to donate at the moment?

There are plenty of opportunities to get involved with PBI-USA. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, sign up for our newsletter, become a Language Buddy Volunteer, and stay tuned for more updates for new webinars featuring defenders from around the world!

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