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PBI-Honduras accompanies ASODEBICOQ as defenders criminalized for opposition to Santa Lucia dam

PBI-Honduras accompanies ASODEBICOQ as defenders criminalized for opposition to Santa Lucia dam

On January 25, PBI-Honduras tweeted: “Today, we are following the judicial process against defenders criminalized for their legitimate defense against the Santa Lucía I (Sta. Bárbara) hydroelectric plant. We highlight [the Association for the Defense of Common Goods of Quimistan] ASODEBICOQ’s efforts to protect the environment.”

On Facebook, PBI-Honduras further noted: “At PBI, we follow up the judicial process against the defenders of Chemistan (Santa Barbara), criminalized since mid-2021 for their legitimate defense of their communities against the hydroelectric Santa Lucía I dam of the Cuyagual company. Today, the presentation of the indicted persons is expected before the court of Quimistan (Santa Barbara). We want to highlight the enormous efforts of Asodebicoq to protect the environment and common goods of communities in Chemistan and at the same time we want to express our deep concern for continued criminalization of their struggle.”

In February 2019, Radio Progreso reported that the department of Santa Bárbara is “threatened by more than 15 hydroelectric projects and 23 concessions for mining.”

That article notes: “In the municipality of Quimistán, there is an imminent danger from the installation of the Santa Lucia hydroelectric dam, which is advanced by 90%. And, despite the fact that there is a strong rejection by the population, they currently intend to build a second hydroelectric dam also on the Cuyagual River.”

ASODEBICOQ is opposed to the construction of the Santa Lucia I and Santa Lucia II dams. It has called on the Government of Honduras to stop construction of the dams because the project violates the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989, an International Labour Organization Convention, also known as ILO-convention 169.

PBI-Honduras has accompanied ASODEBICOQ since May 2018.
