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PBI-Honduras accompanies ASOPODEHU and Dina Meza at media conference against misinformation

PBI-Honduras accompanies ASOPODEHU and Dina Meza at media conference against misinformation

On October 20, PBI-Honduras posted: “PBI accompanied ASOPODEHU [the Association for Democracy and Human Rights in Honduras] and journalist Dina Meza in the presentation of the platform of Coalición de Medios [Coalition Media] against misinformation aimed at putting a stop to misleading and false reports in electoral contexts.”

The general election in Honduras is on November 28. has explained: “False polls have appeared in local media and social networks, and others that are not on the official list of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and lack information about its methodology, including that of a firm that has had multiple agreements with the current government.”

It adds: “The National Electoral Council (CNE), has detailed in a statement that all public opinion obtained from surveys or polls carried out on the electoral issue must be registered with the General Secretariat of the National Electoral Council and, when registered, must notify the CNE of the procedures and methods used in conducting the survey.”

El Pulso also explains: “El Pulso, Radio Progreso,, and Pasos de Animal have built the Media Coalition Against Disinformation (CMCD) with the aim of putting a stop to misleading and false information through a collaborative initiative that dismantles these vices promoted in the electoral contexts in Honduras.”

It adds: “We will be informing through the hashtag #CeroKasaka.”

ASOPODEHU has also posted: “Ever wondered if the figures or phrases said by a politician are true? Well we do, that’s why we’ve joined the #CeroKasaka verification initiative. We invite you to read, analyze and share our verified. You can also be a party, sending dubious data given by politicians to verify them in this electoral process!”

The post from PBI-Honduras also notes: “In what is going on this year, at least 39 journalists have been attacked in Honduras for exercising their right to free expression.”

Dina Meza is director of ASOPODEHU, president of PEN Honduras and a correspondent for Reporters Without Borders.

PBI-Honduras has accompanied Meza since May 2014.
