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PBI-Honduras accompanies COFADEH at hearing for political activist Germán Ayala

PBI-Honduras accompanies COFADEH at hearing for political activist Germán Ayala

On April 21, PBI-Honduras tweeted:

“PBI accompanies @defencofadeh in the trial of Germán Enrique Ayala Figueroa, criminalized for his work as an activist. The legal defense of the organization requested the application of the amnesty, tomorrow they will receive the resolution.”

With respect to the charges against Ayala, El Espectador has reported: “The event for which German Ayala is accused occurred on June 19, 2019, when a group of people demonstrated by the Monumento a la Madre [Monument to the Mother], and burned tires, making it impossible to the passage of several vehicles, explaining that a HONDUTEL [telecommunications company] car later appeared, was intercepted by the demonstrators and later set on fire.”

Defensores en linea has explained that the social and political leader Ayala is being represented by Committee of Relatives Detained and Disappeared in Honduras (COFADEH) lawyers Karol Cárdenas and Dora Oliva.

They are seeking that Ayala be granted amnesty under the decree for the release of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience.

There has been a judicial process against Ayala since October 22, 2019, when the Public Ministry filed a tax request assuming his responsible for the crime of aggravated arson to the detriment of the Honduran Telecommunications Company (HONDUTEL).

Ayala is an active member of the National Popular Resistance Front.

The full article is at Tribunal de SPS dilata resolución de Amnistía para German Ayala.

