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PBI-Honduras accompanies Somos-CDC and Arcoíris in their call on the International Transgender Day of Visibility

PBI-Honduras accompanies Somos-CDC and Arcoíris in their call on the International Transgender Day of Visibility

On March 30, PBI-Honduras tweeted:

“International Transgender Day of Visibility. PBI accompanies @somoscdc_hn [the Centre for LGTBI Development and Cooperation] and other organizations of sexual diversity in a call to the State to approve the Gender Identity Law and the reform of the @RnpHonduras [National Register of Persons] Law. It is essential to ensure recognition and participation.”

On Facebook PBI-Honduras also notes:

“We don’t want privileges, we want the #DDHH [human rights] to be respected.” Donny Reyes, #LGTB community rights advocate and member of Asociación LGTB Arcoiris de Honduras

In the face of the #DíaInternacionalVisibilidadTrans, PBI accompanies the Arcoiris LGTB Association of Honduras, Somos- CDC and other organizations of sexual diversity in Honduras in a public call to the State to implement laws that recognize the rights of this population

It is fundamental the approval of the Law on Gender Identity and the reform to the Law of the National Register of Persons to open new spaces of recognition and participation in the social, political and cultural sphere.

At the UN Universal Periodic Review of the human rights situation in Honduras on November 5, 2020, Canada recommended that Honduras “strengthen measures for the prevention, investigation, and punishment of all sexual and gender-based violence including most specifically domestic violence and violence against LGBTI persons.”

PBI-Honduras has accompanied Somos-CDC since January 2022 and Arcoiris since July 2015.

