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PBI-USA organized World Water Day webinar

PBI-USA organized World Water Day webinar

Photo: MADJ coordinator Martín Fernández Guzman and PBI communications coordinator Hannah Matthews from today’s webinar.

On March 22, PBI-USA hosted a World Water Day screening of La Sangre de la Tierra (The Blood of the Earth), a documentary about community struggles against hydroelectric dams in Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras.

After the screening, Martín Fernández Guzman, a member of the Broad Movement for Dignity and Justice (MADJ) spoke about the resistance in Honduras.

Then Maria Caal Xol of the Peaceful Resistance of Cahabón, a collective of 38 Maya Q’eqchi communities, spoke about the resistance to the Oxec and Renace hydroelectric dams on the Cahabón River and its tributaries in Guatemala.

The video of the webinar can be seen here.