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PBI-Colombia notes with concern the continued killing of people who defend peace and human rights

On April 3, the Peace Brigades International-Colombia Project signed this joint communique that supports the call for a ceasefire in Colombia.

That statement also highlighted, “With great concern, we note and warn about the continuation of killings against people who defend peace and human rights, including those who signed the Final Peace Agreement with the FARC-Ep.”


Fourteen years of accompanying the Pasta de Conchos Family Organization in their long-lived struggle to recover 63 miners

Article by PBI-Mexico

“Pasta de Conchos is very important because it will set a precedent for how mining should operate, how workers should be treated, and [show] that companies should think twice before opening mines”, Cristina Auerbach.


PBI-Guatemala strengthens telephone contact with human rights defenders during the COVID-19 pandemic

On April 8, the Peace Brigades International-Guatemala Project noted in its most recent Monthly Information Package both the strengthening and continuation of the telephone accompaniment of human rights defenders.

PBI-Guatemala highlights: “The PBI team remains present in the country and has adapted its work according to the restrictions declared by the Guatemalan government in response to the COVID19 pandemic.”

PBI-Guatemala reports:


QUOTE: David Ravelo Crespo, human rights defender

“PBI´s accompaniment has been fundamental to the work of human rights defenders in Colombia, particularly to myself, David Ravelo Crespo, as a human rights defender in Barrancabermeja and in the Magdalena Medio region, the accompaniment has allowed our work to be protected in the whole region and has enabled us to attend many different spaces and has guaranteed our lives.


PBI-Colombia signs statement in support of United Nations call for a ceasefire

On April 3, the Peace Brigades International-Colombia Project tweeted, “@PBIColombia with organizations from the @espaciopazencol [the Cooperation Space for Peace] has signed a statement supporting the call from @ONUHumanRights [UN Human Rights Colombia] for a ceasefire in Colombia and calling attention to the continued assassinations of and threats towards human rights defen
