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Dam Opponents Suffer Killings and Mass Arrests in La Concepión

January 12, 2018

On January 7, 2018, in the village of La Concepción in Guerrero in southern Mexico, extrajudicial executions, acts of torture, and arbitrary detentions were carried out against members of a community group (CECOP, Communities Opposing the Dam La Parota) and against community police (Regional Coordination of Community Authorities – Community Police, or CRAC-PC, a community self-defense initiative). The community groups are targeted for their opposition to a dam on the Papagayo River.


PBI: The defense of human rights is key in the present context of Honduras

PBI is observing with deep concern the situacion in Honduras in the days following the general elections that took place on November 26th, 2017. We hereby make an urgent call to the international community to call on the Honduran government to comply with their obligation to guarantee the protection, promotion, and respect of human rights and fundamental liberties.


In their own words: Wangui Kimari, Mathare Social Justice Centre, Kenya

Wangui Kimari works as the participatory action research coordinator for the Mathare Social Justice Center in Nairobi, Kenya, a community-based organization in the poor urban settlement Mathare. The organization strives for social justice by means of community engagement and the use of social movement platforms. The following is from an interview with Kimari conduced by PBI.


Pushing for Change: Maria Mutauta's Story

I come from a family of four daughters. My father was never really in the picture, but I never felt the absence of a father-figure in the house; Mama has been such a role model in that sense. She would say “whatever you want to do, you can do it.” Whenever we would complain about not having a brother to help us fix household things, she would push us to learn how to do it ourselves.
