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Risks for defenders of the rights of migrants increase

Article by PBI-Mexico

Although the right to migrate is consecrated in article 13 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, it continues to be violated by different actors.

In Mexico, human rights defenders defend migrants by giving them humanitarian, legal and psychological attention which is often the only support migrants receive as they pass through the country that shares a border with the USA; the most transited border in the world.


10 Years Searching for Justice

Article by PBI-Mexico

On 26th November 2019 Tita Radilla travelled to the Mexican capital to attend an event commemorating the 10 year anniversary of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ sentence in the “Radilla Pacheco v Mexico” case. On the 23 November 2009 the Mexican state was condemned for grave human rights violations in which the military was signalled as responsible for the forced dissapearance of Rosendo Radilla, Tita’s father.


Celebrating Human Rights Day

They were heaven sent. They always seemed to be there at the right time.” - Tita Dadilla, Mexican human rights defender, on PBI volunteers

In celebration of International Human Rights Day, we are proud to announce the release of ‘The Defenders’, a short film by Manu Valcarce exploring the experience of being a human rights defender in countries where the rule of law is fragile.

Human Rights Defenders at the Center

This December, and continuously, PBI puts human rights defenders at the center, in the position they deserve given the fundamental role they play in the protection of human rights and the construction of fair and peaceful societies.

Human rights defenders continue to provide voices for the voiceless, pushing for social justice. They often risk their lives to stand up for what they believe in, holding states to account and pushing for human rights to be respected, protected and fulfilled.

PBI-Mexico accompanies Codigo DH at community discussion about violence against women

On November 27, the Peace Brigades International-Mexico Project posted, “PBI accompanied the activities of the Codigo DH Gobixha AC office in Amuzgos within the framework of the conference against violence against women.”

PBI-Mexico notes that this involved visiting the community of Santa María Ipalapa (about 12 kilometres from San Pedro Amuzgos) on November 26.


Turning the Tide on Impunity: Protection and Access to Justice for Journalists and Human Rights Defenders in Mexico

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador took office after campaigning on a platform focused heavily on combating corruption and insecurity and bringing peace and reconciliation to the Mexican people.

A new report from the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA and PBI) focuses on how the new government can approach an important aspect of this endeavor: creating a safer and more enabling environment for journalists and human rights defenders to carry out their important work.