• 10 March 2020
    In February 2020, the Olopa Resistance celebrated its first anniversary of the installation of a sit-in on the road to the mine. This short video produced by James Rodriguez, former PBI Gaute Project volunteer, about the struggle of the Peaceful Resistance of Olopa in Guatemala, accompanied by Nuevo Dia, against the mining project that started its activities in their territory without a prior, free and informed consultation.
  • 10 March 2020
    Article by PBI-MexicoAdvanced a decade ago by Mexican civil society and international bodies, the introduction of the Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders and Journalists (Mecanismo de Protección para Personas Defensoras de Derechos Humanos y Periodistas) was a significant step forward for human rights in Mexico. However, the Mechanism continues to demonstrate notable deficiencies and concerning failures in the high-risk context faced by Mexican human rights defenders (HRDs).
  • 9 March 2020
    Article by PBI-MexicoSince the opening of PBI’s office in Chihuahua in 2013, we have established connections with various civil society organizations, including the Sierra Madre Alliance (Alianza Sierra Madre, A.C., ASMAC) which we have formally accompanied since 2018.ASMAC works to accompany indigenous communities in a region where high risks permanently threaten the wellbeing of those who defend their lives and territories. Chihuahua is one of the states which has had, over the last decade, one of Mexico’s highest murder rates of human rights defenders (HRDs).
  • 8 March 2020
    Women human rights defenders across the world are fighting for positive change in their communities. They share many challenges experienced by their male counterparts but face additional obstacles because they undermine the status quo twice over: through their work in its own right, and through their implicit challenge to accepted norms about the role of women in society.
  • 6 February 2020
    We are. The voices of diversity.mp4  
  • 6 February 2020
    PBI accompany human rights defenders in different parts of the world who push for social justice and respect for the rule of law. This work often implies considerable risk. PBI supports many defenders who have been criminalised for the work they carry out, meaning the legal system is used against them in order to stop their resistance. 
  • 4 February 2020
    Article by PBI-MexicoFor more than a decade, totonaca indigenous communities in the Sierra Norte de Puebla have fought for the survival of their traditions and the defense of their territory. In January of this year, they won an important legal battle against the building of a hydroelectric dam with the local municipality revoking the permits for Puebla 1 to be built, due to illegal activities in the administrative processes.
  • 23 January 2020
    Article by PBI-MexicoAlthough the right to migrate is consecrated in article 13 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, it continues to be violated by different actors.In Mexico, human rights defenders defend migrants by giving them humanitarian, legal and psychological attention which is often the only support migrants receive as they pass through the country that shares a border with the USA; the most transited border in the world.
  • 15 January 2020
    2019 saw the growth of social movements across the world; from environmentalists to feminists, people from different countries, different ages and different worldviews who made the decision to actively engage, make their voices heard, and participate in the construction of dynamic democracies that uphold human rights.
  • 10 January 2020
    At the beginning of the New Year in 2019, there were concerns about the situation of defenders in Colombia. 2018 had been a particularly violent year, in which figures related to violence increased to an alarming extent, including reported attacks, killings and forced displacement[1]. This pattern sadly continued throughout the year.
