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María Lígia, Colombia

Maria Ligia Chaverra is 77 years old and has been fighting for the rights of her community for 20 years, in the midst of the armed conflict which has terrorized the Colombian region of Bajo Atrato. Despite being displaced multiple times during the conflict, she has never given up her struggle to reclaim the land and resources on which her community depends.


Reflections from (W)HRDs on the 20th Anniversary of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders

On the 20th Anniversary of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, defenders accompanied by PBI reflect on the importance of the Declaration as well as the accompaniment and international solidarity provided by organizations such as PBI.

Defenders from across the world gather in Brussels

Over three days, 40 human rights defenders from the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia came together in Brussels to exchange experiences and knowledge about holistic protection. This meeting allowed us to analyze the global tendencies that impact our risk as well as identify our common needs as a collective of human rights defenders. The sessions allowed us to construct a common narrative and key messages and recommendations to political actors in the European Union and its member states.

PBI's 2017 Annual Review

May 24, 2018

In 2017, PBI’s community of activists provided effective protection and support to more than one thousand women, men and LGBTI defenders, despite the challenging context and huge risk those working to change the world continued to face. Click on the report below to read more about our work in 2017 and some of the ways we made space for peace and supported (women) human rights defenders in 2017. 

EVENT: Defenders at Risk: An Update on Colombia's Peace Process

You are cordially invited to join Peace Brigades International (PBI) and the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) for a discussion on the current human rights situation in Colombia, on Friday, March 16, 12:30-1:30 p.m., at the WOLA office on 1666 Connecticut Ave N.W., suite 400.

Featured speakers will be Petra Langhenrich (PBI - Colombia) and Gimena Sanchez (Director for the Andes, WOLA).
