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At least 300 human rights defenders killed in 2023: Front Line Defenders report

Image from video for the report.

Front Line Defenders reports: “In 2023, the HRD Memorial documented the killings of 300 HRDs in 28 countries” including 142 in Colombia, 30 in Mexico, 19 in Honduras and 6 in Guatemala where Peace Brigades International accompanies defenders.

Among their findings:

PBI-accompanied groups mobilize to commemorate International Women's Day

On March 8, 2024, PBI-accompanied groups around the world mobilized to commemorate International Women’s Day, now in its 114th year. Women human rights defenders advocate and lobby for human rights within their community and are not only targeted for their activism, but also face gender-specific rights violations. At Peace Brigades International, we stand alongside these women, supporting them to continue their vital work even amidst repression and violence.

PBI-Guatemala seeks field volunteers, deadline to apply is January 7, 2024

The Peace Brigades International-Guatemala Project is seeking field volunteers to accompany human rights defenders.

The deadline to apply is January 7, 2024.

The training and final selection week will then take place from May 19-25 in Spain.

Requirements to apply include: a good level of Spanish – spoken, written and reading; ability to commit to a minimum of 12 months’ work in the field; experience of teamwork and group living, especially in high-stress situations; and minimum age of 22 years.


International legal experts gravely concerned at lack of protections for Indigenous peoples and human rights defenders in Guatemala

The International Delegation of Independent Lawyers travelled to Alta Verapaz, where they heard concerning allegations about violence in the context of forced evictions when they visited Indigenous communities and met with local authorities. They will publish a full report in September 2023, but in their initial observations the lawyers highlighted:

  • Apparent ‘systemic failures’ in the protection of Indigenous rights.
