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PBI-Colombia accompanies Peace Community on the 24th anniversary of July 8 massacre as paramilitary threats against community continue

PBI-Colombia has posted:

We accompany the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó, @sanjoapartadó in the commemoration of the massacre of July 8, 2000, in which 6 of its members were murdered in the village of La Unión by paramilitaries in collusion with the security forces. To remember is an act of resistance.


PBI-Honduras attends National Union of Rural Workers (CNTC) assembly amid threats against the organization

PBI-Honduras has posted:

Yesterday [June 24], we attended the Assembly of the @CNTC  [National Union of Rural Workers] El Progreso. The organization has been defending the rights of the campesinos for more than 30 years, claiming their access to land and supporting the development of agricultural production and small livestock projects.


PBI-Geneva notes violence related to business investments, calls for a Binding Treaty at UN Human Rights Council

During the Interactive Dialogue on Transnational Corporations at the United Nations Human Rights Council session on June 6 in Geneva, Switzerland, Peace Brigades International expressed “its concerns about violence in business investment contexts in Honduras, Guatemala and Colombia.”

PBI-Colombia accompanies the Peace Community touring villages of Mulatos, Resbalosa and Calzón Rojo

PBI-Colombia has posted:

“We accompanied the Peace Community @sanjoapartado, touring the villages of Mulatos, Resbalosa and Calzón Rojo in #Urabá.

Their community work strengthens the defense of the territory from food sovereignty. We recognize this political project, which persists in search of peace and respect for life. #WeArePBI”
