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Women Human Rights Defenders

Women and minority rights activists around the world are working to create positive change in their communities. Women human rights defenders face many of the same challenges as their male counterparts. However, many face additional obstacles and threats because they challenge the status quo twice over – through their work and by challenging (by their very existence) accepted norms, traditions, perceptions and stereotypes about femininity, sexual orientation and the role and status of women in society. As a result, they are vulnerable to threats, stigma, rejection by family and community, and violence.

QUOTE: Doña Blanca, member of MOVICE

“I arrived at PBI a long time ago and I pass by the house a lot to visit.  These visits give me the strength to continue fighting for justice – the hugs and conversations with the PBI volunteers are like a vitamin for me that gives me strength”

- Doña Blanca, member of the Victims of State Crimes Movement, MOVICE and victim from La Guajira where paramilitaries killed her husband and daughter.


PBI-Colombia raises alarm about threats and the killing of human rights defenders during the coronavirus pandemic

The Peace Brigades International-Colombia Project is drawing attention to the situation of continued violence and threats against human rights defenders during the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting quarantine measures.

Marco Rivadeneira, Ángel Ovidio Quintero, and Ivo Humberto Bracamonte killed


Social Justice, criminalized

PBI accompany human rights defenders in different parts of the world who push for social justice and respect for the rule of law. This work often implies considerable risk. PBI supports many defenders who have been criminalised for the work they carry out, meaning the legal system is used against them in order to stop their resistance. 


Risks for defenders of the rights of migrants increase

Article by PBI-Mexico

Although the right to migrate is consecrated in article 13 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, it continues to be violated by different actors.

In Mexico, human rights defenders defend migrants by giving them humanitarian, legal and psychological attention which is often the only support migrants receive as they pass through the country that shares a border with the USA; the most transited border in the world.
