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Women Human Rights Defenders

Women and minority rights activists around the world are working to create positive change in their communities. Women human rights defenders face many of the same challenges as their male counterparts. However, many face additional obstacles and threats because they challenge the status quo twice over – through their work and by challenging (by their very existence) accepted norms, traditions, perceptions and stereotypes about femininity, sexual orientation and the role and status of women in society. As a result, they are vulnerable to threats, stigma, rejection by family and community, and violence.

Under lockdown in Honduras, trans women face a double violation of their rights

Article by PBI-Honduras

The situation for Honduras’s LGBTQI+ community was already critical before the current health emergency, but the arrival of COVID-19 to this Central American country has led to a double violation of their rights. This is how the Arcoiris LGBT Association describes their situation, explaining that the coronavirus pandemic has had a greater impact on the most vulnerable sectors of the population.


Defending the Land has a Woman’s Name


PBI Honduras has recently prepared a report ‘Defending the Land has a Woman’s Name’ in advance of Honduras’ Human Rights Council’s third Universal Periodic Review in May 2020.  

The report finds that recommendations made as part of Honduras’ Human Rights Council’s second Universal Periodic Review in 2015 are not being implemented with due attention for the situation of Women Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ESC) defenders.
