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PBI-Geneva notes violence related to business investments, calls for a Binding Treaty at UN Human Rights Council

During the Interactive Dialogue on Transnational Corporations at the United Nations Human Rights Council session on June 6 in Geneva, Switzerland, Peace Brigades International expressed “its concerns about violence in business investment contexts in Honduras, Guatemala and Colombia.”

PBI-Colombia accompanies the Peace Community touring villages of Mulatos, Resbalosa and Calzón Rojo

PBI-Colombia has posted:

“We accompanied the Peace Community @sanjoapartado, touring the villages of Mulatos, Resbalosa and Calzón Rojo in #Urabá.

Their community work strengthens the defense of the territory from food sovereignty. We recognize this political project, which persists in search of peace and respect for life. #WeArePBI”


Civil society orgs worldwide release new supplement to UN Declaration protecting human rights defenders

Following a year-long project involving consultations with human rights defenders, Peace Brigades International joined a coalition of human rights organizations to release the Declaration +25, a landmark document systematizing relevant developments in regional and international human rights law and standards of the last 25 years.

PBI-Colombia accompanies Peace Community of San José de Apartadó as paramilitary threat intensifies

PBI-Colombia has posted on Instagram:

“We will continue to seek development that respects life and rights” – Germán Graciano, Legal Representative of the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó.

Last June 5, we accompanied @sanjoapartado in a meeting with diplomatic body and government to follow up on their social and environmental justice processes.


PBI-Guatemala accompanies media conference denouncing attacks and evictions of Maya Q’eqchi’ communities

On June 11, PBI-Guatemala posted: “PBI accompanies UVOC and the Campesino/Peasant Council, formed by CCDA, CUC, New Day and UVOC, at their press conference in which they denounced the complicity of the authorities of Alta Verapaz with the farmers to evict Indigenous and peasant communities.”
