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PBI calls for respect for international law, protection of human rights defenders and an immediate cease-fire

PBI calls for respect for international law, protection of human rights defenders and an immediate cease-fire

Peace Brigades International (PBI), an organization that seeks to create space for peace and participate in the protection of human rights, shares the words of the UN Secretary General that “only a negotiated peace that satisfies the legitimate national aspirations of Palestinians and Israelis alike … can bring long-term stability to the people of this land and the broader Middle East region.“

Guatemala: From uncertainty to hope

A closer look at what a new presidency might mean for Indigenous human rights defenders

By Christina Challis, PBI UK Advocacy Officer

As the New Year rang in, the world awaited the successful transfer of power to anti-corruption President-elect Bernardo Arévalo, following death threats and smear campaigns against him in an attempt to delegitimize his election win, amidst growing fears about the fragile state of democracy in Guatemala.

PBI-Honduras observes trial stemming from national strike protests

PBI-Honduras observes trial of student activist accused of arson at US Embassy during national strike protests

On January 26, PBI-Honduras posted:

“We observe the trial of Henry Bonilla [Acevedo] for the burning of [tires in front of] the US embassy in a protest on [May 31st, 2019]. The @defencofadeh [Committee of Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared in Honduras/COFADEH] denounces the criminalization of the national strike. We highlight the work of the #DDHH [human rights] of COFADEH and their work to respect the right to demonstrate.”

PBI-Guatemala seeks field volunteers, deadline to apply is January 7, 2024

The Peace Brigades International-Guatemala Project is seeking field volunteers to accompany human rights defenders.

The deadline to apply is January 7, 2024.

The training and final selection week will then take place from May 19-25 in Spain.

Requirements to apply include: a good level of Spanish – spoken, written and reading; ability to commit to a minimum of 12 months’ work in the field; experience of teamwork and group living, especially in high-stress situations; and minimum age of 22 years.


PBI-Mexico accompanies 39th Assembly for the Defense of Territory opposed to the construction of the Atexcaco II dam

PBI-Mexico has posted:

“Last Sunday, December 17, PBI accompanied the 39 Assembly in the municipality of Hueyapan, Sierra Norte de Puebla, in the framework of the Defense of the Territory and Construction of Life Plans. Representatives of the Masewal, Tutunakú and Mestizo villages raised their voices against the Atextaco [Atexcaco] Hydroelectric Project which would use more than 12 million cubic meters of water for the operation of 3 mines.


What language should be included in the COP28 statement to better protect environmental human rights defenders?

The United Nations COP28 climate change conference will take place from November 30 to December 12, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

It is expected that a “global stocktake” will take place at COP28. This will be the first assessment since the promises made at COP21 in Paris in 2015.

Last month, Global Witness highlighted:

Celebrate Human Rights Defenders on International Peace Day

Happy International Peace Day! Today we recognize and celebrate the courageous work of human rights defenders around the world. September is also a time in PBI when our country group boards and project committees spend time reflecting and planning for the coming year. For PBIUSA, September also marks the end of our fiscal year and our final opportunity to meet our fundraising goals. Each year, we transfer at least one quarter to over 50% of our budget overseas to directly support our international work.

PBI-USA 3-Day FLASH Fundraising Drive

Help PBI-USA raise $20,000 in JUST THREE DAYS to maintain support for threatened human rights defenders by joining our fundraising campaign or simply donating to the fundraising team member of your choice! Visit our fundraising page at Givebutter and click on a team member’s photo to learn what motivates them to raise funds for PBI! More info available at the link below.