Implications of a second Trump Presidency
Banner photo (above) taken from a still of President Trump’s inauguration speech linked here and below.
International Women’s Day 2025: Women on the Frontlines
PBI accompanied women human rights defenders in multiple countries who took to the streets to raise awareness of the human rights abuses women face all over the world.
HRC58 - Nicaragua Side Event: A Systematic Erosion of Rights
Written by Yannick Wild, PBI-Switzerland
At the UN Side event ‘Nicaragua: Contemporary architecture ‘, organized by Peace Brigades International at the Human Rights Council 58, UN experts and human rights defenders provided critical insight on the ongoing human rights crisis in Nicaragua, where systematic repression has intensified since 2018.
Call for Ex-PBI Volunteers in Honduras
¿Quieres hacer un voluntariado en el equipo de PBI Honduras?
Desde el Proyecto PBI Honduras estamos realizando un llamado a personas ex-voluntarias con experiencia de trabajo con PBI en América Latina, a sumarse a nuestro equipo en terreno a partir de abril del corriente año. El período de tiempo que necesitamos cubrir es entre 3 y 6 meses.
Recruitment Notice: PBI Seeks New Members of Board
Board of Directors - Recruitment Notice
Peace Brigades International (PBI) is recruiting new members to join its Board of Directors, the International Council (IC). We are looking for people to participate actively on the life of the organization, assuring good governance, financial sustainability and strategic direction for PBI.
Do you share our passion for human rights protection? Do you want to use your skills and experience to promote good governance and contribute to the long-term success of our organization?
PBI-Honduras together with PBI-Germany meets with defenders from ARCAH and COFADEH
PBI-Honduras has posted:
Support PBI-USA this Giving Season!
Your support between now and the end of this year will shape what will be possible for us to
PBI accompanied defenders from Guatemala and Honduras meet with the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights
Photo: PBI accompanied defenders with Working Group chairperson Fernanda Hopenhaym
PBI-Switzerland has noted: “Four PBI-supported human rights defenders participated in the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva, as part of an international delegation representing environmental and social rights struggles.”